[ Informação adicional: naquela época, um amigo meu e mais uns outros amigos dele eram (na verdade ainda são... =PP ) obcecados (de brincadeira (eu acho =P )) pelo Bill Gates. Eu cheguei até a entrar presse grupo (BGMC, se bem me lembro), mas eu mais zuava com a cara deles do que tudo... =P E... esse amigo meu tava no meu grupo. Aí obívio que eu não poderia perder a chance de zuar com ele. E eu não perdi. ;D ]
Mateus, meu velho, essa vai pra você! ;D
The Teeth-Angel
The Richest Man in the World
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nce upon a time, in a dark, cold winter night, the father took his 10 years-old son to bed.
“Good night, my dear. Have nice dreams” said the man.
“Thanks daddy… but…” the kid began.
“What is it, son?”
“Oh… It’s just that I’m not sleepy yet. So, couldn’t I…” he tried.
“No son, it’s too late. It’s time for you to sleep. End of discussion”.
“All right, all right… so, see you tomorrow, dad”.
“Good night, son. Do you want me to turn off the lights?”
“Yes daddy, or the Teeth-Angel won’t come, will he?”
“Oh… the Teeth-Angel. I forgot about him. Yes, you’re right. It is said that his high-tech computer notices always that a child’s milk tooth falls and register all in a file: the child’s name, age, address, the tooth value and other details. Than, once a month, the Teeth-Angel collects all the month information and – “
“Yeah, dad, from this point on I know. And the Teeth-Angel leaves his office and trips around the world, taking the fallen teeth. And – this is the best part! – he leaves money for the teeth, according on its value.”
“That’s exactly it, my son!” said the father proudly “And what day does he leave his office?”
“The last of each month” the kid answered quickly.
“And that’s today!”
“Yeah, dad, I know that. I’ve already put my three teeth inside my ‘Teeth Box’. Over there, dad” he said to his father, who was looking around the room, pointing at a tiny box on the desk. In a light-green ink in a white sheet over the box, could be ridden “Valuable fallen teeth over here”.
The father gave a little laughter. “I still think that sign’s not necessary… The Teeth-Angel might be able to find the teeth by his on”
“Well, I think that way too. But just to be sure…’
“I see… And I think you shouldn’t be awake either. Come on, time to sleep. Good night, Bill” said the father, after turn off the lights and close the door.
The boy stayed awake for a few more minutes, watching the staring sky outside his window, until he finally fell asleep.
Some hours latter in that night, in the sky, an ordinary little star started to move. It was getting closer and closer, moving in zigzag, pretty fast. When it stopped moving, very closer to the open bedroom window, the tiny shining point stopped shining and began to grow, getting a human form.
It was a tall, thin man who entered the boy’s room. He was wearing an elegant black suit, witch made his skin look almost white. In his head, over the thinning blonde hair, there was a black top hat. His face looked like he had spent much time sleeping lately: his black tiny eyes were almost closed and his mouth was hidden behind the beard, witch needed desperately to be shaved. And for a finishing touch, almost shining in his pale face, a big, long nose looking like an eagle claw was deadly pointing to the ground.
The unusual figure stood right in front of the “Teeth Box”. He put his hand into his suit’s pocket and took a high-tech mobile phone and pressed some buttons. The machine emitted a couple of weird sounds and the three teeth inside the box were gone and in a flash, there were some notes and coins inside it The man put the cell phone back inside his pocket and, just like he arrived a few minutes ago, he disappeared.
In the following morning, the boy woke up pretty excited, jumped of the bed and ran to check the box. He took it into his hands, went back to the bed and seat. He opened the recipient and stayed some minutes starring at the money, counting it several times.
“DAD!!!!” he yelled.
His father got in the room desperately.
“What’s wrong, son???”
“Calm down, son, calm down… I’m sure you might be mistaken. The Teeth-Angel surely knows what he-“started the man.
“Obviously he does not dad!!! Here!! Take a look at this!” said the child lending his father a sheet where a kind of chart could be seen.
“You’ve got a chart with the price of each kind of tooth, the discounts and a lot else?! How come??”
“These were my last milk teeth… So, each of the previous times the Teeth-Angel came, I took note of how much he left and in average with the teeth he took on each visit and the problems that they had I stipulated the values of each teeth. Of course, I’m not 100% sure, but I’m about 98,7% convinced that I’m right. You see, I compared my calculus with my friends’…”
“Oh…” exclaimed the man “OK then. If you say so…” he added “So, what do you intend to do about it son?”
“Well, dad, I wondered a while when I was counting the money. I did a research about the Teeth-Angel on the Internet some time ago and I found out that he has many high-tech equipments in his office, not just the main computer, as it is said. I read that one of these equipments is able to search the whole world for fallen teeth and register their location and put then all on a list. That is the list the Teeth-Angel uses. In another research, I also discovered that if there’s a tooth missing when the Teeth-Angel’s employers do the audit, another machine register it so the Teeth-Angel can know and go for this tooth in the next time he leaves his office.”
“Well, son, what can I say about it… It’s nice to see that you do something… uh… useful in all the time you spend on Internet.”
“Thanks, dad. After all of that research, I though there was the possibility that he would stole me some money. So, I made a little plan just to assure” he said, giving to his father an amount of paper.
The man took it and analyzed the hundreds of numbers, equations and formulas without understanding not more than 2 + 2 = 4. There were also a lot of extremely complicated schemes, diagrams and pictures.
“Did you do THIS by yourself??” exclaimed he. It looked like there was something like smoke coming out of hid head.
“Yeah, dad, course I did. But I see that you didn’t understand it very well. Let me explain it to you…” and he started explaining his plan.
During the whole month, the two of them worked hard to put the child’s plan in practice.
In another dark, cold winter night, one month latter, the child fell asleep after being sure that it was all in the right place. But, just for insurance, he slept with just one eye.
Some hours later, it happened. The kid heard a bell ring and woke up fast. He looked at the window and right in front of it he saw himself arrested under a big cage. Then he ran to the mirror and stared at it and saw the Teeth-Angel standing where he was used to see himself.
“YES!!” he yelled “My genetic transfiguration machine worked!!! What about this, Teeth-Angel??? Tough you were going to steal my money and I would do nothing!? You have no idea how wrong you were! When talking about money, don’t mess with the king!! Don’t ever challenge Bill Gates!!!”
Young Bill, under the Teeth-Angel’s skin (literally), went to the National Bank. The people looked extremely excited and motioned when they saw the real Teeth-Angle coming inside the bank. Some even cried as he went to the cash.
“Good night, my dear attendant. I’m, you might know, the Teeth-Angel” there were claps in the whole room “and I would like to transfer my whole account from my name to a friend of mine’s.”
“Su… sure, mr. Tee… Teeth-Angel” said the cashier crying “What’s his name, sir?”
“Gates. Bill Gates.”
Then, the young Bill returned to his home and found himself still locked in the cage. He took a little remote control in his desk, pressed some buttons and, with another bell ring, he was back in his body and the Teeth-Angel inside the cage.
“How about that, mr. Teeth-Angel? I just put all your money on MY account. And now, to finish, I’ll take this little remote control here, and erase your memory, so you won’t know how your money disappeared. Cruel? I think you should have though the consequences of stole me 14 cents, don’t you?” said the boy pressing a button in the remote. Then he pressed another one and the cage vanished into the floor and ceiling. He rushed to his bed and pretended to be sleeping.
The Teeth-Angel got up, dizzy, went to the boy’s “Teeth-Box”, caught the tooth he had come to get and went away like nothing had happened.
Moral: Never try to steal money of a little child. He may get anger and become the richest man in the world.
6 comentários:
Desculpa por não conseguir controlar a paragrafação (essa palavras existe, né? =P ) dessa joça aqui... Mas dá pra entender lá... ^^
Tem uma outra ainda "melhor"...! Essa, do Cultura. Chapeuzinho Vermelho lutando com et's. Dooooooooooooida demais! ;D
Pena gigante que eu acho que ficou com a professora... :'(
muito escroto. Enorme também. Deu sono^^
vlw! ;D
Ou, como é que você consegue escrever coisas tão grandes? Ainda mais em inglês!? Eu mal consigo escrever em espaços razoáveis e em português!
Mas a história ficou massa, como diria Raphael. ^^
Parabéns, chéri!
Brigadinho. ^^
E, como eu disse pra Joh, é que eu aprendi desde sempre a viajaaaar demais... acabou virando criatividade... =P
E as coias que você escreve costumam ter mais conteúdo que as minhas... Normalmente o que eu escrevo não passa muito de histórias ou viagens... É só soltar a franga. ;D
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